
Model:R1390 DTF( Direct-to-film printer )
Printer Specifications
Print Width: 300mm/11.8in
Channels: 6 channels
Motherboard: R1390
Printing Speed: A3/5-8 minutes
Highest Resolution: Recommend 1440*720 DPI, Maxium 2880*2880 DPI
Color: CMYK+WW
Ink Consumption: 10ml/㎡ (0.93 ml/ft²)
Nozzle Holes: 90 holes per channel
Number of Nozzles: 1

Working Environment
Operating System: Windows
Voltage: 110V/220V
Ease of Operation: Standard
Operating Temperature: 15℃-30℃/59°F-86°F
Working Humidity: 40%-60%
Life Increase: Standard

Shipping Information
Weight: 38Kg/84lbs
Dimension: 800×330×240mm/31.5×13.0×9.4 in
Package Size: 890×420×380mm/35.0×16.5×15.0 in

InkSonic Upgraded Feature
White Ink Circulation & Stirring & Filtration: Support Adjustable Speed
Air Suction Platform: Support Adjustable Speed
Waste Ink Collection: Support
Nozzle Self-cleaning: Support
Nozzle Moisturizing: Support
Visibal Ink Monitor: Support
Inspection Door: Motherboard: Support